"You see that white dot in the trees? That's a bald eagle!!"

"Now, stand right here and look where I'm looking. You see that cluster of trees? And then there's two tall trees just to the left of that? OK. Now you see that branch that's sticking off to the right like this? OK. Now look just above it and then in the branch just to the left, there's an eagle!"

I love the way we explain how to see something. Everyone has a slightly different way of describing what they see so it's sometimes tricky to get another person to look in just the right spot. But it's worth it. Eagle watching is pretty fantastic. Especially when you're with family. 

In Rockport, WA. Late December 2018
Yeah, no cars allowed. 

The beautiful fog. So many layers, so many opportunities.

The Skagit. Wtih fog and snow and all its river stuff.

Yeah, I thought that blob was an eagle. It was just a blob. But still, it makes for a nice composition.

Can you spot all 3 eagles in this photo??

The Skagit. A river bank full of stories.
The eagle "hunter" in action. Kari and Jan were just behind me. Great day with lovely people. :)

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