Maybe the Property Brothers could help these people out? Just kidding. Ceramic wall. So beautiful! This makes me think of the city of Bothell's motto - Come for a day, stay for a lifetime! But this one seems less threatening. Like if you accidentally visit Bothell you'll end up staying for life! Haha. Although, I am not sure what the "one reason" is for visiting Cascais. I mean, right now there's the European Harley Davidson rally happening in this town. But I sure didn't come for that. :) Hmmm... This guy looks important. Part of an old fort. Paco and I ran into a tourist from Minnesota while walking through Cascais. He asked what sites he should see and we recommended the fort (among others). He goes, "Yeah. I mean, a fort is a fort is a fort." He was a nice guy but in my head I was like, "Well. Forts are amazing. So there.) I love a good marina shot. So many stories all packed into such a...