City of Cascais (which apparently is similar to Beverly Hills according to our tour guide in Lisbon)

Maybe the Property Brothers could help these people out? Just kidding.

Ceramic wall. So beautiful!

This makes me think of the city of Bothell's motto - Come for a day, stay for a lifetime! But this one seems less threatening. Like if you accidentally visit Bothell you'll end up staying for life! Haha. Although, I am not sure what the "one reason" is for visiting Cascais. I mean, right now there's the European Harley Davidson rally happening in this town. But I sure didn't come for that. :) Hmmm...

This guy looks important.

Part of an old fort. Paco and I ran into a tourist from Minnesota while walking through Cascais. He asked what sites he should see and we recommended the fort (among others). He goes, "Yeah. I mean, a fort is a fort is a fort." He was a nice guy but in my head I was like, "Well. Forts are amazing. So there.)

I love a good marina shot. So many stories all packed into such a small space. And it always looks lovely. The vertical space taken up by the masts ads dimension without feeling heavy. And marinas always remind me of Anacortes. So there's that.

This sweet kitty! Just snoozing away in the morning sun. Such a darling.

Near Boca do Inferrno

Pink house.

If you ever wanted to sit on a ceramic bench, here you go. It looks a tad worn.

The Lovey Cat

He's a Cannon. I'm a Nikon. We celebrate our differences. :)

Pretty purple close up flowers? Yes please!

Just park your car right next to the window. No biggie.

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